Tuesday 25 January 2011

This is a template of the type of digipack i am designing around. It's given me a good indication of how many photo's i need to use and the composition they should be placed in so when made into the cover, everything fits correctly and is up the right way.

This is an example of some who has used the same template. From looking at this i can see that the front and back cover need to be next to each other and the inside images of the CD should be upside down so when folder, are up the right way. I must decide where the bar code, copyright and record label information should be placed discreetly to not ruin the effect of the images.

CD cover Back design

I chose these two album designs to look at because they are both sub-genres of rock bands. They are similar to my design idea as i am going to use my own photography. These front and back covers shows continuity throughout the album using the same style, subject and colours in the photos. I am focusing on the back covers here to figure out my own composition of the text, song titles, and copyright record details. It also helps me figure out where to discretely place the bar code without ruining the aesthetics.

Monday 17 January 2011


This is the first practice of composition using the bands name and album title which i feel was a good start but the text is to formal and tacky. I want to give a professional look to the digi-pack and feel i need to go and take a wider variety of photos to represent the bands particular sound better. I increased the tones of pink to symbolised love as this is the main subject behind the bands songs.

I started to edit the colours and though these purple and blues accompanied each-other well to fit the mood of the sad songs in the EP. The subject of the padlock and chain is usually associated with someones heart or a forbidden relationship so i chose this cold image to symbolise the troubles in teenagers relationship to reinforce the bands lyrics. I decided this wasn't quite right for this band because the song i have chosen is acoustic and the image feels to sharp. On Photoshop I edited the levels of contrast and colour increasing the amount of greens and blues then reduced the saturation so it wasn't too bold.

This is the first photograph of mine i chose to use as the album cover to the digi-pack i am designing. Even though i have changed my choice of band and song, they're genre and style is similar so my original designs would still work well. Rock is a heavy style of music so this padlock and chain symbolizes that so the audience know what sounds to expect. The natural wood grain contrasts with the frosted metal to show that they are a softer sub-genre of indie rock. I removed the colour to see if it would look any better but decided after looking back at the album i've analysed, this isn't a conventional style of image to have on an album cover.